Russia Calls Out The US For Simulating Fighting In Syria And Iraq - Episode 1397b

from X22Report



@00:11:15 russia and china they are gaining in


@00:06:43 not happening that way we see iran right
@00:07:23 wanted to deal with iran and they wanted
@00:07:25 iran to run a pipeline through syria so
@00:07:28 what's happening right now is iran made
@00:07:35 pipeline going from iran to iraq to

false flag

@00:13:25 gigantic false flag we've seen these

North Korea

@00:04:36 and they're saying that north korean
@00:04:43 korea including a plan to assassinate
@00:04:45 north korea's leader kim jong-un
@00:04:48 now of course why would north korea come
@00:05:29 north korea is now hacking into south
@00:05:41 round of military exercises that north
@00:05:43 korea leader kim jong-un is so fond of
@00:06:20 there they're you know right near north
@00:06:22 korea but they really aren't they're
@00:06:26 in the drill to provoke north korea and
@00:06:39 these ships are sitting outside of north
@00:06:41 korea getting ready to bomb them it's
@00:13:52 is really north korea syria unless they
@00:14:28 they have left is really north korea or