US Propaganda Begins, US Concerned About Syrian Government Attacks On Civilians - Episode 908b

from X22Report



@00:06:15 russia china north korea iran syria they
@00:06:47 philippines near the south china sea
@00:06:52 to provoke china plain and simple and
@00:06:55 the united states already sworn china of
@00:07:02 move on the south china sea how dare
@00:07:07 china if this is absolutely true which i
@00:07:34 propaganda so even so let's say china
@00:07:49 china now if you were a country and you


@00:06:15 russia china north korea iran syria they
@00:18:51 iran not using the dollar and this is


@00:01:31 fbi director comey saying that okay you


@00:14:00 down twitter he puts journalists into

North Korea

@00:04:46 sanctions against north korea the
@00:04:53 north korea and it's going to affect
@00:04:56 north korea's economy
@00:05:13 rocket fuel to north korea so they're
@00:05:16 really putting the screws to north korea
@00:05:19 they're provoking north korea they're
@00:05:25 hoping that north korea lashes out this
@00:05:33 putting a lot of pressure on north korea
@00:06:15 russia china north korea iran syria they


@00:07:59 are in the united states if mexico and