deleted Former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe Will be Indicted

from prayingmedic



@00:02:26 andrew mccabe is going to be indicted
@00:02:40 to andrew mccabe that the department of
@00:03:20 proceed with charges against mccabe
@00:03:34 close to mccabe he is confirming that
@00:03:47 to be prosecuted so we know mccabe is
@00:04:25 the first one that came out about mccabe
@00:05:03 gonna charge mccabe with something
@00:05:06 gonna bring charges against mccabe it's
@00:05:50 first scalp andrew mccabe is gonna be
@00:05:52 charged and if mccabe is going to be
@00:06:08 mccabe are gonna be charged james baker
@00:06:16 mccabe will probably be the very first
@00:08:58 days just chill relax and your mccabe is


@00:06:33 involved brennan will eventually look
@00:06:42 brennan that sucker is gonna get a will
@00:06:47 started all this i mean kind of brennan
@00:07:04 but brennan comey clapper they're all


@00:04:57 comey with leaking because it's very
@00:06:03 i would imagine comey will also be
@00:07:04 but brennan comey clapper they're all

Deep state

@00:07:19 now confirmation that our first deep
@00:07:22 state crook is going to be charged so


@00:07:54 posted something about on twitter kind

Inspector General

@00:04:19 out in the doj inspector general report


@00:08:29 flynn and his post about general flynn