Qanon Returns! EO Active, McClatchy Lies, Antifa No Go Zones, 01/05/2019
from Citizens Investigative Report
uploaded on Jan 05, 2019
@00:06:53 idea of je why did mccabe trying to take
@00:12:12 the map you believe this here's the post
@00:08:08 george soros pays for an tifa out of his
Red Cross
@00:07:40 trillions red cross equals scam in the
William Barr
@00:13:01 bar in a statement posted on the web
Military tribunals
@00:14:59 video of people saying military
@00:15:02 tribunals started on january 2nd we know
@00:17:09 the military tribunals are going on guys
@00:17:23 military tribunals have started january
@00:19:25 that there's ongoing military tribunals
@00:19:50 like did katie there the military
@00:19:53 tribunals are going on no they're not
Deep state
@00:05:37 deep state doj block regarding mueller
@00:00:56 mexico you have yes i have and i can do