Update Military Intel Deep State Deadman's Switch

from dnajlion7



@00:07:52 kennedy faced deep state will use their


@00:02:32 trafficking agenda an industry in this
@00:02:48 trafficking cabal's and rituals it's

Deep state

@00:04:29 around on pelosi of the deep state
@00:05:49 deep state then they will revert back to
@00:06:02 deep state was created in north korea
@00:06:59 the deep state so that was their plan
@00:07:01 the problem is is that the deep state
@00:07:19 north korea the deep state still has
@00:07:34 now the deep state is going completely
@00:07:52 kennedy faced deep state will use their
@00:07:56 if arrests happen deep states will use
@00:08:08 speak for the deep state bio thread is
@00:08:30 deadman switch from the deep state
@00:09:13 pray against the deep state from being
@00:09:30 deep state fanatics trying to hurt the
@00:09:38 know i believe pence is part of the deep
@00:09:40 state he's a satanic pedophile himself
@00:10:19 pence is the deep state the deep state
@00:11:21 well it seems the deep state will
@00:11:44 so we pray against these deep state
@00:13:18 nonsense that the deep state are going


@00:06:14 vaccines in north korea and he's
@00:07:13 capability and they have the vaccines


@00:03:41 says remember hugh mentioned that gitmo
@00:03:46 prepared and that's true gitmo sorry i
@00:03:49 have this itch gitmo is just one of many
@00:04:03 well but gitmo is not the only one we
@00:04:08 gitmo that preparations have been
@00:10:55 gitmo i have no idea about the other
@00:10:57 gitmo type locations i would guess

Satanic rituals

@00:02:46 their satanic ritual child sex
@00:02:48 trafficking cabal's and rituals it's


@00:09:40 state he's a satanic pedophile himself

North Korea

@00:06:02 deep state was created in north korea
@00:06:05 north korea is the world's largest
@00:06:14 vaccines in north korea and he's
@00:07:19 north korea the deep state still has


@00:09:43 michael flynn versus mike pence please