Report: Adam Schiff Linked to Huge Ukranian Arms Dealer!

from Truth and Art TV



@00:08:45 whole map would be like wait and this


@00:05:48 when we saw that jeffrey epstein and

Human trafficking

@00:03:54 started going after human trafficking he
@00:05:45 pedophilia and human trafficking


@00:03:54 started going after human trafficking he
@00:05:45 pedophilia and human trafficking


@00:27:24 like tom steyer and others soros
@00:30:43 that soros emerges as major funder of


@00:08:10 indictments on cue mat dot of which
@00:08:19 120 1,848 sealed indictments and don't
@00:08:25 indictments this whole process all these


@00:08:34 jeff sessions yeah and for all the
@00:08:41 jeff sessions no jeff sessions this

William Barr

@00:17:34 trump had bill barr investigate the

Deep state

@00:03:43 going after everybody this deep this
@00:03:46 deep state cabal and now today we can
@00:05:23 with the deep state and the mainstream
@00:27:40 operative for the deep state and they've


@00:11:20 saying a lot of things on his twitter

Red october

@00:00:48 october is upon us will it be red
@00:00:51 october i say yes it will a lot is

Pizza gate

@00:05:39 cult talking about pizza gate when qa9
@00:05:41 has never mentioned pizza gating once


@00:25:49 barbara flynn redgate when she was
@00:25:57 know flynn was calling this out in
@00:25:59 general flynn