Sekulow Plays Damning Compilation Video- Planned Coup For All To See!!

from Truth and Art TV



@00:17:02 john mccain somehow


@00:09:02 left you brawl out this margaret brennan
@00:09:23 you have brennan comes out and she says
@00:11:11 get paint my name is margaret brennan

Deep state

@00:02:19 course this is the democrats deep state
@00:20:50 visuals folks this is the deep state


@00:01:57 trump twitter account everyone should
@00:24:17 and joining me on twitter if you are on
@00:24:19 twitter there it is folks that is it for

Mass arrests

@00:15:14 unless of course mass arrests come which


@00:20:00 us-mexico border wall has led to