1.8 - Trump Tower Fire/ConseQuential/Wikileaks & More

from Destroying the Illusion



@00:11:58 report headed by michael horowitz and


@00:13:36 lynch in the uranium one cover-up but


@00:14:55 trafficking ring was arrested in cyprus


@00:11:48 trigger a second special counsel comey
@00:12:08 for comey clinton lych everything and
@00:13:34 hillary holder clemmy lint comey and


@00:07:14 president trump's twitter clicking on
@00:09:53 that i saw posted on twitter by somebody
@00:09:55 julian assange is twitter
@00:09:57 remember that whole debacle twitter got
@00:10:48 literally using twitter to put this q
@00:14:39 twitter yesterday so if you do follow me
@00:14:41 on twitter you saw this one already but

Inspector General

@00:11:45 inspector general report likely to
@00:11:55 inspector general report to come out the
@00:12:25 inspector general reports coming out and
@00:13:01 the inspector general report you know
@00:13:21 come from that but and this inspector
@00:13:24 general report of course lots of stuff
@00:16:42 tweet referencing q inspector general