The Deep State Places Assets In The Middle East, They Are Ready To Make A Move - Episode 1239b

from X22Report



@00:14:14 they tried it in china they tried in all

Human trafficking

@00:10:05 clinton they are involved in human
@00:10:09 trafficking they lowered the cost for
@00:10:13 these human traffickers to get on to
@00:10:45 now about human trafficking paedophilia


@00:10:09 trafficking they lowered the cost for
@00:10:45 now about human trafficking paedophilia


@00:09:54 of george soros and the ngos that he
@00:10:03 saying that george soros and hillary
@00:10:37 soros and hillary clinton and the ngos
@00:13:12 except for poo and we can see that soros

Deep state

@00:00:59 the thought of the episode is the deep
@00:01:01 state places assets in the middle east
@00:21:39 equipment and remember at the deep state

false flag

@00:03:57 this could be a deception a false flag
@00:04:01 using the term false flag now he didn't
@00:04:04 elaborate on the term false flag he
@00:04:21 false flag and really that's what it was

North Korea

@00:14:56 north korea well they're threatening to
@00:15:17 systems of north korea i wouldn't be


@00:06:30 factions in mexico out throughout the

Saudi Arabia

@00:16:33 united states saudi arabia punishing
@00:16:41 saudi arabia saudi arabia and the united