deleted Qanon August 2, 2018 - Full Force Attack by the Media

from prayingmedic



@00:20:24 mentions walnut sauce and i'm not going


@00:30:07 brennan your wrongheaded protectionist
@00:30:39 director not cool mr. brennan so hugh


@00:44:57 shills coming on from george soros


@00:15:54 would be former fbi director james comey
@00:16:02 where comey confirms that the deep state
@00:16:14 doesn't exist mr. comey disagrees with

Deep state

@00:14:40 expose the deep state splinter followed
@00:15:52 an authority on the deep state that
@00:15:56 who has confirmed the deep state exist
@00:16:02 where comey confirms that the deep state
@00:16:12 there's a mythological deep state that


@00:03:32 the thread that i do tonight on twitter
@00:07:43 twitter is if you're a troll i am going
@00:12:34 here at the bottom twitter today
@00:12:43 twitter told by the mainstream media to
@00:27:44 to a twitter status and the image from
@00:44:43 presidents twitter comments liberal
@00:45:16 twitter bot attack twitter controls and
@00:45:20 directs fake accounts facebook twitter
@00:46:48 to this the potus schedule twitter

false flag

@00:34:42 may be a false flag but i'm not going to
@00:45:58 surprised if they create a false flag


@00:34:27 to the no borders pro pedophile


@00:16:22 a.m. memo to the mockingbird media we


@00:00:24 involving fisa and the other set of
@00:00:28 posting about i wanted to keep fisa
@00:00:33 fisa video that was the last one that i


@00:22:28 flynn and i think the president has
@00:22:37 general flynn and those guys are the

Saudi Arabia

@00:32:37 feed s a saudi arabia
@00:33:15 saudi arabia who want to get back at