Qanon LiveStream Black Hat vs White Hat 5/27/20

from Sean Morgan



@00:18:33 freed when john mccain died and that's
@00:18:57 youtube and search search this mccain


@00:04:47 and and recently james comey wore a red


@00:26:38 tesla motors and spacex the - two of the
@00:27:43 rocket technology came from spacex and
@00:34:02 are people who are saying that spacex

Military tribunals

@00:17:57 about military tribunals and it was one
@00:18:10 to be military tribunals and this wasn't
@00:18:23 there are going to be military tribunals

Deep state

@00:25:16 trying to confuse the deep state about
@00:28:10 entrenched deep state corporations
@00:28:24 could win the deep state takes over in
@00:40:15 the cult of the deep state right well
@00:48:43 the deep state as am i on point here jim
@00:48:57 ways that you know the deep state was


@00:04:27 days three nights' on twitter created


@00:36:10 space with 5g satellites and then he has

Bush funeral

@00:12:13 during the bush funeral and pensions
@00:12:28 the the bush senior funeral she got one
@00:12:33 hillary clinton got one laura bush got

North Korea

@00:26:34 north korea now of course elon musk
@00:27:01 with north korea where suddenly north
@00:27:05 korea has all this high-tech they've got
@00:27:29 at north korea and kim jong ill and
@00:28:03 very involved in north korea and
@00:28:13 took over north korea and put the
@00:28:27 north korea and but they keep kim
@00:28:47 giving rocket technology to north korea
@00:29:22 no way from north korea to get that kind
@00:38:52 someone on the inside of north korea and
@00:39:05 inside of north korea yep the whole


@00:04:44 went to the border of mexico one time


@00:15:05 think there's proof that the pens is a