The Illusion Of An Economic Recovery And An Iranian Peace Deal (Part 2)

from X22Report



@00:03:04 continue enriching uranium and again the


@00:02:31 peace talks with iran we understand that
@00:02:40 for iran before it even started so this
@00:02:45 anyone knowing what was going on iran
@00:03:02 in nuclear pact that will allow iran to
@00:03:23 relieved some money for iran which is
@00:03:35 intentions that they want peace and iran
@00:04:29 over the skies near iran and that no
@00:05:33 iran forcing the saudis to pursue a
@00:05:37 with iran we were lied to things were
@00:07:33 of iran and their nuclear weapons so
@00:07:36 russia wants to know if the iran the
@00:07:38 iran dale is put into practice the
@00:08:08 relations with iran nothing has changed
@00:08:20 pointing towards iran they were saying
@00:08:24 iran reaching and having a nuclear
@00:08:38 there is peace with iran and agreements
@00:09:56 and allies have agreed to provide iran
@00:10:21 and if iran does not fully meet its

false flag

@00:11:58 understand and what i call a false flag
@00:12:47 them or destroy data to make this false
@00:12:50 flag happen and we see things completely

Saudi Arabia

@00:04:42 some talks with saudi arabia and they
@00:04:57 saudi arabia deployed some troops to the
@00:05:06 from iraq on the saudi border during the
@00:05:10 talks on saturday and right now saudi
@00:05:15 arabia when they were making the deal
@00:05:21 obama administration has spoke to saudi
@00:05:25 arabia and the king and whatnot they
@00:05:27 were out there saying that saudi arabia
@00:11:09 angry saudi arabia israel very
@00:11:29 trial period was struck saudi arabia did