[6.29] QAnon Update - Hitting the MAINSTREAM!

from Destroying the Illusion



@00:02:47 the democrat party of john f kennedy is
@00:09:23 from justice kennedy to the president so
@00:09:36 anthony kennedy steps down giving the
@00:10:08 remember kennedy was the swing vote no


@00:22:30 putin and uranium one will come out post
@00:22:38 after that now keeps saying the uranium


@00:07:08 with the good people of iran who are

Las Vegas

@00:18:34 because las vegas happened it was only


@00:20:18 soros money in netflix and they have
@00:20:53 all these weird connections with soros


@00:24:06 how comey intervened to kill wikileaks


@00:34:52 for all of those sealed indictments that
@00:35:05 indictments come out timing is

Deep state

@00:09:52 but we'll just say the deep state agenda
@00:11:23 there to take down the deep state that
@00:11:55 just gonna stay deep state party again


@00:25:25 twitter because i was following this and
@00:25:26 posting about this on twitter is
@00:34:23 these grassroots channels and twitter

Seth Rich

@00:22:21 regarding seth rich democrats the ds or


@00:30:17 back to my video here the delta level

false flag

@00:30:10 these false flag shootings think bourne
@00:32:27 the quicker we get rid of these false
@00:32:29 flag shootings so there's that

North Korea

@00:12:21 reforms saved the world from north korea
@00:29:32 saying north korea is fake news north
@00:29:35 korea has already began do


@00:27:51 hear of mkultra mkultra was the cia
@00:28:13 mkultra monarch programming so these are


@00:35:09 and the news think resignations loss of


@00:34:54 huber and his investigative team have

Saudi Arabia

@00:03:11 regarding saudi arabia national guard