Q Anon/News - Give a Dog a Bone - In Pursuit of Truth Presents - 2.14.19

from In Pursuit of Truth



@00:05:59 comey andrew mccabe jim rebecky these


@00:04:05 official patrick kennedy tried to broker
@00:04:14 kennedy was willing to offer the fbi
@00:04:24 offers from kennedy and he has not


@00:01:34 director james comey reopened the email
@00:02:03 fbi director james comey sent a letter
@00:02:15 director comey lead fbi agent on the
@00:04:44 october 28 2016 comey up ended the
@00:05:42 including comey page struck an email
@00:05:59 comey andrew mccabe jim rebecky these


@00:07:51 p.m. we get this twitter link right here
@00:07:57 now q and it takes you to this twitter
@00:22:20 twitter at ipo t 1776 that's at ipo t


@00:18:43 delta meaning one minute post later

Inspector General

@00:10:09 the inspector general for odie and i
@00:10:15 wow indeed when the inspector can't even


@00:14:41 refer to the rothschild family maybe


@00:18:40 queue it's a queue proof one minute time
@00:18:47 proof
@00:18:53 other yet another queue proof nice work
@00:19:06 enough that's a pretty close queue proof
@00:19:59 ridiculous week after week proof after
@00:20:01 proof and when it all gets laid out for