deleted Midterms Looking Great - Censorship Going to Supreme COURT!

from Dustin Nemos



@00:12:34 they do these kind of things the mccabe


@00:01:22 treaty with china looks like just
@00:01:55 hurt china so we're gonna see who can


@00:10:35 was hiding away in iran knowingly but of


@00:06:48 saw jeff sessions and half the state
@00:19:55 training sessions and it's not just the

Deep state

@00:11:23 vegas and 9/11 but they do have a deep
@00:11:27 state and they have possibly less bad
@00:11:29 people i'll say that and they're deep
@00:11:32 state was largely rounded up not too


@00:21:00 an interesting point in 2012 twitter
@00:21:03 executive jack dorsey said twitter was


@00:09:18 because of trump mexico has ordered like
@00:09:24 from even getting into mexico so they're
@00:21:58 how mexico is deployed let's see how

Saudi Arabia

@00:10:54 our allies saudi arabia the which you
@00:11:18 ignoring the fact that saudi arabia has