Latest Intel From Zach @ INF0WARS

from JustInformed Talk ™️



@00:09:31 only hope here is china and china's you
@00:09:56 now china saves us from the martian to
@00:10:04 was taken over by china and the chinese


@00:06:54 other for us to include iran which trump
@00:08:02 is you know brought forward and iran
@00:08:05 will be next the iran information will
@00:08:09 malick was on i said look at iran info
@00:08:12 the iran shake-up will be next day it


@00:18:48 buek and the nasa science mission


@00:15:11 just like soros spends billions right

Deep state

@00:08:17 is going on when the ci a deep state
@00:11:16 federation for the actions of rogue deep
@00:11:19 state actors who happen to be russian
@00:11:22 the same deep state that sabotages our
@00:11:43 deep state actors they're they're
@00:13:30 things behind the steam from a deep
@00:13:32 state level


@00:15:35 so then 600,000 twitter users that ever

false flag

@00:08:57 you're gonna see a lot more false flag

North Korea

@00:06:50 had nothing to do with north korea was
@00:06:52 unhappy about the north korea
@00:08:01 gets fired as a north korea information
@00:08:14 will not be kinetic as well as the north
@00:08:16 korea stuff that's the north korea stuff
@00:08:45 else and north korea so quickly and it's

Saudi Arabia

@00:08:42 saudi arabia and israel and everybody
@00:09:27 it's all stuffed up sits out of saudi
@00:09:29 arabia a deep states out of there their