Countries Around The World Are Already Transitioning Their Economies - Episode 1694a

from X22Report



@00:01:16 president for some it was kennedy for


@00:03:28 it's coming from china and russia where
@00:10:26 would be transitioned to china and this
@00:11:14 china just like it did during world war
@00:12:06 russia china a lot of the bric nations
@00:12:12 long time russia and china they have
@00:12:33 very little bit of debt right now china
@00:14:26 reserves were china dumped all their
@00:15:18 russia and china they have a huge amount


@00:13:30 iran russia and india ditch dollar in

Deep state

@00:10:33 why the deep state was moving everything


@00:15:06 mexico getting rid of the globalist