Flynn Attorney: DOJ HAS 2 MIFSUD PHONES, Asks for New Brady Material

from Citizens Investigative Report



@00:14:57 people mccabe whether it's president


@00:11:32 2014 with a us attorney john durham and


@00:16:13 mccain whether it's president obama

William Barr

@00:10:17 bar visiting italy ha i don't know the
@00:11:35 us attorney general bill barr traveling

Deep state

@00:01:57 problem for the deep state where this


@00:01:17 interesting threads on twitter i thought
@00:12:28 twitter feed good lord
@00:12:38 see she put it as her twitter feeds
@00:12:40 her twitter cover oh boy i'm having


@00:01:36 not all right so developing flynn lawyer
@00:02:16 support thereof michael t flynn mr.
@00:02:19 flynn requests the government be ordered
@00:03:05 relevant to the defense of mr. flynn and
@00:04:29 them the investigation of flynn russia
@00:06:51 streams are converging flynn mifsud
@00:09:28 the flynn thing and then of course the
@00:10:26 against general flynn as early as 2014