deleted 2.16.20 - Coronavirus Updates. China is LYING - XI XINPING IS WEAK AND FOOLISH

from Dustin Nemos



@00:02:12 that is in china level for one right
@00:03:09 china and it goes through a lot of
@00:03:19 scenario could destabilize the china
@00:04:21 in china now but there's gonna be a lot
@00:06:01 to be on the ground in china it's
@00:06:24 in china collecting some of this data i
@00:06:42 love to have us a system china has
@00:08:03 percentage of death which you know china
@00:09:17 history in china the chinese culture the
@00:09:24 china i guess it's been a while in china
@00:11:21 died in china but you know young
@00:12:36 heading to china this could be a very
@00:12:39 bad knockout combo for china it could be
@00:13:02 go down a lot especially in china where
@00:14:30 china and of course governments even
@00:14:39 especially from china and the trade flow
@00:14:56 world balance of you know china being
@00:23:48 of china from leaked sources and in fact
@00:25:15 now dead and rotting in china and that's
@00:25:47 if this thing makes it to china too you

Bill Gates

@00:13:14 the swine now bill gates who many allege


@00:00:11 coronavirus and i'm not gonna lie i'm a
@00:01:45 coronavirus in a bizarre coincidence
@00:01:50 bioweapons lab in wuhan using a corona
@00:02:58 corona virus here and this is more
@00:04:29 coronavirus did not start at the wuhan
@00:04:59 that it's coming coronavirus to become
@00:05:12 cdc confirmed the 15th u.s. coronavirus
@00:13:17 owned the owns a patent to the corona
@00:14:15 china's coronavirus numbers don't add up
@00:21:06 special coronavirus sale at the same
@00:22:16 this crazy corona virus or move on and
@00:27:26 coronavirus video and i wanted you to be

Deep state

@00:00:41 detoxification against the deep state


@00:19:36 vaccines and they're taught that they're