China Issues Offshore Yuan Bonds For The First Time To Challenge The Dollar - Episode 797a

from X22Report



@00:00:41 episode is china issues offshore you wan
@00:14:53 number one supplier to china but what's
@00:15:37 china they are around the world megan
@00:15:47 system propped up china has issued its
@00:16:12 china the move is expected to help you
@00:16:48 remember china has set up bilateral


@00:15:25 right now is in iran discussing deals on

Saudi Arabia

@00:14:13 this is now russia has topped saudi
@00:14:18 arabia as china's largest crude supplier
@00:14:21 i mean right now saudi arabia they are
@00:14:49 that russia overtook saudi arabia as the
@00:15:04 dollar saudi arabia was using the dollar