Illinois Pedophile Ring Smashed, Trump Threatens to Sue Mueller Investigation, PA Victory

from dnajlion7



@00:05:29 mccabe it's absolutely ridiculous in
@00:05:49 a long time and so did anna mccabe who


@00:06:46 waiting on durham and indeed we are john
@00:06:49 durham we're waiting on him and i
@00:07:40 is gonna be used by john durham in his


@00:09:00 stories that's been going on with cps
@00:12:53 really good job at handling cps child
@00:15:47 makes makes cps uncomfortable you know
@00:15:50 the cps and women especially when they
@00:16:10 where cps is unlawfully calling you he
@00:16:21 cps always says oh well we can't reveal

Human trafficking

@00:01:01 story here but this was a human
@00:01:03 trafficking sting done out in the
@00:09:09 get caught up in human trafficking well


@00:01:03 trafficking sting done out in the
@00:09:09 get caught up in human trafficking well


@00:05:26 lying less than what comey did and annie
@00:05:39 congress oh i see but so did comey and


@00:08:24 the indictments are in sealed once these

William Barr

@00:04:19 judges over barr and trump indefinitely
@00:04:31 basically saying that bar needs to
@00:04:38 attorney general william bar in the
@00:05:19 before barr and trump made a huge deal

Deep state

@00:03:18 fraudulent witch-hunt conducted by deep
@00:03:20 state dirty cop robert mueller and his
@00:04:13 the deep state gets cold feet this was

Mass arrests

@00:08:26 mass arrests begin why because the


@00:02:35 pedophile ring and i know people say how
@00:02:46 clear answer here so a huge pedophile
@00:06:58 down this satanic pedophile network


@00:03:39 defraud the fisa court the implied