deleted 5-13-2020- John Michael Chambers Ft. Dr. David E. Martin - COVID-19 - Acts of Domestic Terrorism

from Dustin Nemos



@00:02:30 you look at comey if you look at mccabe


@00:05:11 class is escalating barr and durham are


@00:06:23 holing investments from china in the
@00:06:45 gonna kill china quite honestly i mean
@00:07:04 tens of thousands of deaths china are
@00:07:27 china and moving into india i mean quite
@00:07:51 billion coming away from china and he
@00:07:56 really quite honestly put china in its
@00:07:58 place and if it takes china down that's
@00:29:54 and in wuhan china decided illegally to
@00:48:02 repatriated from china or three billion

Bill Gates

@00:36:37 place and that leads me to bill gates
@00:36:38 how does bill gates playing all this
@00:36:41 well bill gates is a bully who happens
@00:36:57 bill gates sees the world through the


@00:08:32 had the coronavirus that set in and so
@00:11:16 trump's economy right well coronavirus
@00:16:20 stupid coronavirus has done to the
@00:27:37 particular instance choosing the corona
@00:28:23 own unique sars coronavirus without
@00:28:59 known corona viruses there are over 220
@00:29:29 have no idea whether this corona virus
@00:30:11 coronavirus from 2003 when cdc got their
@00:31:41 attributing things to the coronavirus
@00:33:10 only the coronavirus patients could show
@00:35:43 corona virus you were looking at because
@00:38:27 and other members of the coronavirus
@00:38:33 the fact that corona viruses have a
@00:38:46 to the corona virus and the scare goes


@00:02:30 you look at comey if you look at mccabe

William Barr

@00:05:11 class is escalating barr and durham are

Deep state

@00:00:58 and detoxification against the deep
@00:01:00 state attacks on your health it's red
@00:01:51 the evening news the deep state the
@00:03:03 said all along that the deep state would
@00:05:19 deep state is going down and power will
@00:11:37 believe this is why the deep state is
@00:13:07 in in this is why the deep state is

Seth Rich

@00:02:03 seth rich is gone but the truth on this

Inspector General

@00:19:25 the office of the inspector general for


@00:01:55 in full-scale panic mode flynn is free