TRUreporting Live Call-In-Show

from TRUreporting



@00:33:40 according to the cue map december first
@00:34:18 gotta follow the to map and you're gonna


@00:19:49 sessions granddaughter and grabbing kids

Deep state

@00:30:32 talking about the deep state right guys
@00:31:04 believe they're talking about deep state
@00:33:37 the deep state knew or die's knew


@00:09:44 i've posted this on twitter i've set it
@00:16:44 everyone on twitter and facebook
@00:38:43 twitter as well he says is that a long
@00:52:47 twitter or tweet that i put out you know
@00:53:17 i saw something on twitter today and i
@00:53:50 quick note i saw this on twitter today
@00:54:32 on twitter


@00:22:20 delta between 17s post and potus is
@00:22:35 one minute delta which is can't do that
@00:23:32 negative 1 minute delta that is huge

false flag

@00:35:55 another false flag today in chicago what


@00:29:36 precise moment to release the fisa
@00:29:43 fisa release logical thinking ammunition


@00:22:24 proof from december 2nd boom at 12:58 58
@00:23:20 just proof all it is is proof my friends