TRUreporting LIVE CALL IN SHOW!!!!

from TRUreporting



@00:09:12 thing you can't go after george soros

Deep state

@00:38:25 don't trust them they're deep state is


@00:06:11 et please follow this person on twitter
@00:16:49 go ahead and check on twitter to to see
@00:16:53 on twitter if you don't know that i'm on
@00:16:54 twitter please follow me at true
@00:21:11 follow you on twitter and i also did go
@00:21:15 back on twitter so i've done a lot of
@00:21:20 of twitter so now i'm back on twitter
@00:23:24 on twitter if you have not already we we
@00:35:03 twitter though if you want to check that
@00:46:50 can follow me on twitter yeah just dna
@00:47:05 on twitter and then i'll just follow you
@00:49:43 on twitter okay dm me on twitter justin
@00:49:55 just hit me up on twitter bro sorry


@00:27:45 lot of everything from vaccines to you
@00:37:16 so many things in these vaccines i knew
@00:42:09 completely believe that it was vaccines
@00:46:14 don't get him the vaccines i know he's -