deleted 6.4.18 - Deepstate, Economy, Q, War, Culture, Politics, And Cemex - Elite Connected Pedo Camp BUST!

from Dustin Nemos



@00:05:31 kim jong-un and china decide to pay
@00:05:53 about it but russia and china are
@00:06:12 with china and syria and that you know


@00:30:32 whole map is getting so much more


@00:08:54 orders atomic agency to ramp up uranium


@00:09:32 border to defeat the iran forces this is


@00:14:11 rbg and sotomayor against the court


@00:00:26 child trafficking camp busted that's
@00:26:09 trafficking camp and i'm talking condoms


@00:03:55 james comey investigated and charged so


@00:19:17 indictments and now this and the

William Barr

@00:19:39 roseanne barr a 16th degree mason there

Deep state

@00:00:20 we're gonna talk about the deep state
@00:06:24 days and a lot of us because of the deep
@00:06:26 state and judge mean is also very


@00:03:28 twitter keeps changing those trending
@00:07:37 these companies facebook twitter google
@00:13:14 that's his real name but it's on twitter
@00:27:30 says on twitter considering c-max ties
@00:27:57 on twitter if you're not kind of sure
@00:27:59 how twitter works other people that
@00:28:10 conversation group until twitter hits it


@00:07:16 truthful about you know vaccines or pedo

Pizza gate

@00:27:42 that now is the time to talk about pizza
@00:27:45 gate whether you like it or not america
@00:27:53 and on mega pizza gate a lot of hashtags

North Korea

@00:05:14 is going to visit kim jong on in north
@00:05:17 korea so this is kind of crazy right
@00:05:43 this is assad in the heart of north
@00:05:45 korea so he would they could take him if


@00:29:38 rothschild of the town tooks tucson or
@00:29:44 mayor is a rothschild the company cemex
@00:29:51 infamous rothschild lynn de rothschild
@00:30:20 in and this is a rothschild okay also on