In Pursuit of Truth Presents - Memorial Day - 5.28.18

from In Pursuit of Truth



@00:05:23 china also not smart this incident does
@00:05:32 offense in china which is a long history


@00:11:44 addition to a road map of the planned


@00:04:54 the swap in january 2016 iran released

William Barr

@00:17:16 freaking awesome on monday night a bar

Deep state

@00:12:09 deep state is definitely panicking right
@00:12:34 is the deep state realizing that these
@00:13:50 that's something that the deep state is


@00:00:49 my twitter page and i want to let you
@00:00:52 know that i've changed my twitter handle
@00:00:55 already with me on twitter but it is
@00:01:10 now i am a lot more active on twitter
@00:01:18 on that twitter won't you please join me
@00:01:21 on twitter okay so the mogga movement
@00:08:55 suicide note on twitter around 8:30 p.m.

Bush funeral

@00:06:22 following his wife's funeral bush 93 was

North Korea

@00:03:02 north korea as biz back review
@00:04:11 in north korea because he was a
@00:13:03 the proposed summit with north korea and