Trump’s Message Received, Evidence Must Be Compelling,The Majority Wins - Episode 1960b

from X22Report



@00:11:12 flynn michael horowitz process i want


@00:15:03 arrests epstein huber everything else


@00:20:31 the catastrophic accident in iran
@00:20:41 launch of semin launch site one in iran
@00:20:45 i wish iran best wishes and good luck in
@00:22:33 satellite takes a picture of iran now


@00:16:18 violating federal sex trafficking laws


@00:03:38 evidence one comey was taking notes
@00:03:47 counterintelligence investigation comey
@00:04:03 in the white house when comey met with
@00:06:13 replaced comey spy
@00:07:59 richmond you know that guy that comey
@00:08:04 out the following breaking comey granted
@00:08:18 fired comey even though richmond was
@00:08:31 around comey and we haven't even gotten
@00:11:24 the hearth report regarding comey he was
@00:11:34 to get an outcome comey wanted a special

William Barr

@00:09:06 bill barr to release the original

Deep state

@00:01:35 this is a message to the deep state well
@00:03:03 of the deep state before the meeting in
@00:03:14 knew that the deep state did all they
@00:04:08 the deep state initiated at least one
@00:04:38 the deep state late that evening the
@00:05:03 obama's deep state was working against
@00:17:37 falling apart for the deep state we know
@00:23:33 deep state the patriots are in control

Inspector General

@00:11:07 general william borah asking him to
@00:11:11 justice's inspector general michael
@00:12:03 we will soon hear from the inspector
@00:12:07 general about the warrant system he said


@00:11:18 time he said i want the fisa warrant
@00:12:17 who lies to the fisa court to get a
@00:12:30 the fisa court did they manipulate the


@00:10:09 those targets was general michael flynn
@00:10:10 son michael flynn jr. so think about
@00:11:12 flynn michael horowitz process i want


@00:14:20 arrest news i think resignations loss of


@00:15:03 arrests epstein huber everything else