Trump Takes Aim At The Federal Reserve And China

from Destroying the Illusion



@00:00:21 have countries countries like china that
@00:00:41 studies economics so we talk about china
@00:01:09 china and the federal reserve two topics
@00:01:37 china and all of them had this nice
@00:01:54 colony of china and then what happened
@00:02:35 goldmine here so so he blew china up so
@00:04:11 he did the same thing to china and china
@00:04:19 american people first wall street china
@00:04:53 because china is in big trouble too and
@00:05:20 china affect the price of crypto here
@00:05:40 devaluation in the china yuan you
@00:06:28 know a turmoil in china you'll see
@00:06:58 china and and defeating this back and
@00:07:04 already won their trade war with china
@00:07:24 chains out of china and then china's
@00:07:30 import food so china he already won
@00:07:33 china he's this gonna rope-a-dope china

Deep state

@00:00:27 this deep state folks truly