U.S. Pushing The Syrian Agenda, Now Training Paid Mercenaries For The Event - Episode 376

from X22Report



@00:01:49 and china then join in and we can see by
@00:04:05 here and you know russia and china are
@00:04:09 china are creating this security pact
@00:04:34 russia and china have been making deals
@00:12:48 pretty much came out and said china was
@00:13:05 like china just doesn't go ahead and use
@00:13:18 been happening is is that china has been
@00:13:21 stopping business us business in china
@00:13:35 do business in china and what we're
@00:13:50 including the people's bank of china and
@00:14:10 losing business in china ibm microsoft
@00:15:28 understand that china and russia they've
@00:15:37 china now is pushing the agenda forward
@00:15:43 of gold pricing and china has approached
@00:16:35 on the international exchange china
@00:16:46 china the international exchange is the
@00:24:57 going to say that china attacked vietnam
@00:25:44 russia and china are making deals all
@00:26:36 encircling china because china is a
@00:28:03 is buddy-buddy with china china's
@00:29:16 cohort operations china is also in
@00:32:53 place china is that's where the united
@00:33:04 china in the pacific area and the united


@00:01:23 understand the interim deal for iran
@00:01:40 striking into syria iran has a treaty
@00:04:12 deal between each other and iran and
@00:04:14 once syria is violated what happens iran

false flag

@00:37:53 false flag event that you know that
@00:38:13 fell apart so this could be a false flag


@00:31:02 worth of natural gas stored underground