UPDATE: Kim DotCom, Hannity, and Seth Rich

from Tracy Beanz



@00:00:31 fbi director james comey to the new
@00:01:14 director comey who's currently in new
@00:01:21 comey was believed to be attending a


@00:01:52 twitter with more than a hint of sarcasm
@00:04:17 on twitter i start seeing this exchange
@00:04:36 you go back on handy's twitter to may
@00:05:24 twitter but i'm just gonna get to the

Seth Rich

@00:04:03 so i am uploading my seth rich video
@00:04:26 that's rich coal seth rich murder so if
@00:05:42 kim.com says if congress includes seth
@00:05:46 rich case into their russia probe i'll
@00:05:49 that seth rich was wikileaks source and
@00:06:06 seth rich ain't russia and then again
@00:06:30 seth rich on tuesday please be patient
@00:06:33 i know seth threat i knew seth rich i
@00:09:03 pandas for bernie seth rich is an
@00:09:15 investigating the seth rich political
@00:11:21 about seth rich probably directly
@00:11:55 seth rich info is just coming fast and

Five Eyes

@00:01:25 five eyes intelligence sharing network