[6.4] Comey's Q Tweet - Bill Maher - Nader - "DeepFakes" - Vaccine Censorship - UFO "Disclosure"

from Destroying the Illusion



@00:07:28 charged and arrested for trafficking
@00:10:34 got indicted for trafficking child


@00:02:32 let's take a look at james comey so over
@00:02:34 the weekend james comey made a tweet
@00:02:47 capital q oh wow james comey with a q in
@00:03:05 tweet that james comey retweeted without
@00:03:31 also been a hint that james comey might
@00:14:04 we'll a deep fake be the comey moment in


@00:08:53 those could be indictments such as this

William Barr

@00:02:36 basically attacking bill barr saying

Deep state

@00:02:21 powers that used to be the deep state do
@00:04:36 these deep state folk under the bus
@00:13:07 more deep state influence in it right
@00:14:22 make everybody aware of deep fakes why
@00:14:27 used to be the deep state they want to
@00:14:37 deep state by way of photos or videos of
@00:14:40 them etc they're pushing out this deep
@00:17:23 just for the deep state in general you
@00:23:13 reports i mean the deep state they're
@00:24:06 right but the deep state the corporate
@00:25:39 with whatever the heck the deep state


@00:15:32 let's move on to vaccines and then
@00:16:00 avoid vaccines it has to be government
@00:17:27 people to know that vaccines can maim
@00:17:37 seeing about vaccines among just all the
@00:17:51 whether that's vaccines whether that's
@00:18:05 defending vaccines gets ugly they posted
@00:18:14 career to making vaccines more widely
@00:18:36 you go get their vaccines so they're so
@00:19:40 vaccines to stay healthy it's just

Seth Rich

@00:06:45 don't think so r.i.p seth rich so you


@00:04:15 pedophile ring out of a pizza parlor

Pizza gate

@00:04:44 pizza gate and comet ping-pong and john
@00:04:49 that they ran the ring out of the pizza


@00:23:08 distraction with fisa abuses coming


@00:08:59 maybe huber or some of those