Boom, Boom, Boom, Time To Bring Down The Deep State - Episode 1524b

from X22Report



@00:02:14 inspector general michael horowitz as


@00:01:51 continuing we see mccabe he was fired
@00:02:18 found that mr. mccabe had made an
@00:02:26 oath on multiple occasions so mccabe was
@00:04:03 a law professor came out and said mccabe
@00:04:54 they're trying to bail out mccabe right
@00:05:51 number two is mccabe and he put down


@00:09:11 by soros back news outlet pro publica


@00:04:22 at the time was james comey now the
@00:04:24 problem there is that james comey said
@00:05:46 comey the corruption is bad with comey


@00:05:57 nine indictments sixteen arrested
@00:06:11 eighteen eighteen a more indictments
@00:06:19 forty one over forty one indictments
@00:08:03 indictments we're gonna see we're gonna

Deep state

@00:01:07 deep state now before i get started i
@00:01:49 draining of the deep state swamp is
@00:03:59 they unde the deep state understands us
@00:07:25 organization and the deep state as he
@00:07:29 keeps saying the deep state thinks of
@00:13:19 not we the people it's the deep state
@00:13:24 ridiculous wars for the deep state for
@00:14:45 now the deep state is going to be
@00:16:26 the deep state i mean you can see the
@00:16:33 another boom we see right now the deep
@00:16:36 state well they have not finished as of
@00:17:54 the intelligence agencies the deep state

Inspector General

@00:02:14 inspector general michael horowitz as
@00:04:33 if the inspector general believes this

North Korea

@00:16:57 north korea that they've been testing
@00:17:41 why it's not north korea because the
@00:17:53 russia or north korea i'm talking about


@00:06:43 be the least of their problems flynn was
@00:06:53 they went after flynn flynn eventually


@00:10:57 haspel but they have no proof it was

Saudi Arabia

@00:12:26 attempting to get funds from saudi
@00:12:29 arabia to foot the bill for post-war
@00:12:52 saudi arabia could take their place now
@00:13:01 saudi arabia to bring in troops and to