Oregon Mass Shooting Coincidence, Distraction, Gun Control? - Episode 780b

from X22Report



@00:10:50 with which is russia china north korea
@00:12:30 china russia and now it looks like
@00:19:20 right now we understand that china has


@00:10:53 iran syria and others a think tank came
@00:19:27 iran which has an agreement with syria

false flag

@00:21:15 going to see a false flag event this is
@00:22:14 false flag event and of course whether
@00:22:52 most likely be a multi type of false
@00:22:56 flag where we have cyber attacks and

North Korea

@00:10:50 with which is russia china north korea
@00:10:57 out and they're speculating that north
@00:11:02 korea might collapse from a regime
@00:11:28 to go into north korea if the regime
@00:12:33 they're moving towards north korea they
@00:22:26 north korea member the players are the

Saudi Arabia

@00:20:28 here this is why we're bombing saudi
@00:20:30 arabia qatar jordan