Do We Have Another LBJ In The White House?? I PRAY NOT!

from TRUreporting



@00:11:14 email server by the way the uranium
@00:11:27 approve the sale of 20% of us uranium to
@00:12:05 uranium sample to moscow in 2009 yes who
@00:12:51 uranium one deal guess who was still at


@00:09:51 other than james comey now that's
@00:11:06 we james comey leaves the justice
@00:14:29 james comey knee hit with a six million
@00:14:58 happened next in april 2016 james comey
@00:15:33 attorney general comey gets fired based
@00:15:35 upon a letter by rosenstein comey leaks

William Barr

@00:03:51 will newly discovered evidence ag bar
@00:04:20 william barr revealing new texts from


@00:02:48 twitter at true reporting and don't
@00:17:16 channel you can follow me on twitter at


@00:03:45 a plus wife fbi 302s fisa spy over flynn


@00:03:45 a plus wife fbi 302s fisa spy over flynn
@00:03:55 free flynn q absolutely let's go ahead


@00:00:03 all of the resignations of bad apples