Did You Catch What The Patriots Are Doing, It’s PERFECT, Wait For It.. - Episode 1984b

from X22Report



@00:08:30 impeach this and he showed a map of all


@00:09:44 clinton brennan etc and we see that
@00:22:37 plan with brennan shift pelosi and the


@00:06:31 the sealed indictments they're sealed

William Barr

@00:25:14 recent phone call to help ag bar gather
@00:25:31 wrote to attorney general william bar
@00:25:44 and it was a letter to bill bar and it

Deep state

@00:01:54 now the mainstream media a deep state
@00:02:33 the mainstream media and the deep state
@00:02:54 the deep state what they used to do is
@00:03:27 it and that mainstream media deep state
@00:05:02 mainstream media the deep state they're
@00:07:06 so the ds the deep state the major media
@00:07:42 deep state produces why because it is
@00:07:50 the people it is for the deep state it
@00:18:38 mainstream media the deep state they are
@00:18:40 losing the narrative the deep state
@00:20:07 the deep state mainstream media fell
@00:22:22 server to trap all of the deep state the
@00:24:52 the deep state the mainstream media has
@00:24:58 and is falling apart rapidly so the deep
@00:25:00 state mainstream media they decided to
@00:27:02 disinformation to make the deep state

Inspector General

@00:19:06 and he's calling for the inspector
@00:19:08 general to preserve evidence linked to
@00:19:22 in a letter addressed to the inspector
@00:19:25 of the intelligence community general

North Korea

@00:32:30 now it looks like north korea they are
@00:32:42 trump can speak to north korea and it


@00:27:19 let's move on to flynn because something
@00:27:23 very interesting is happening with flynn
@00:27:32 security advisor michael flynn the
@00:27:37 the michael flynn case continues to grow
@00:28:01 flynn's former flynn intel group partner
@00:28:12 to call flynn as a witness in that case
@00:28:44 defendant flynn here signs in pleading
@00:29:02 in the criminal case against flynn
@00:29:05 flynn made to the fbi about his
@00:29:09 this is the charge that flynn pled
@00:29:14 in fact whoever flynn din and there knew
@00:29:27 statement of offense flynn also
@00:29:38 flynn intel group for the principal
@00:29:40 benefit of the republic of turkey flynn
@00:29:55 flynn never said in the statement of
@00:30:04 insisted flynn had admitted to knowingly
@00:30:09 flynn refused to testify accordingly ben
@00:30:35 authorization to target michael flynn
@00:30:53 flynn indictment just a few days before
@00:30:55 mr. flynn was to be sentenced in this
@00:30:59 that mr. flynn would withdraw his plea
@00:31:05 tutorial blackmail flynn senior better
@00:31:17 rafkin case and to make sure flynn
@00:31:33 offense but when flynn refused to
@00:31:38 retaliate and further threatened flynn
@00:31:43 putting flynn jr. on the witness list
@00:31:59 charges against flynn should be tossed
@00:32:09 today to the flynn motion for additional