
from Liz Crokin



@00:02:15 involvement in child sex trafficking
@00:03:28 child sex trafficking and we know that
@00:04:41 sized child sex trafficking organized
@00:05:48 child sex trafficking network she's a
@00:05:52 she was trafficking torturing and raping
@00:06:46 involved in child sex trafficking all
@00:07:43 children and child sex trafficking
@00:08:58 is a child rapist trafficking kids all
@00:09:59 in child sex trafficking why are they
@00:10:13 clinton foundation child sex trafficking
@00:10:21 trafficking kids and she's sacrificing
@00:16:46 trafficking and let me tell you when the
@00:17:46 child sex trafficking all come out and


@00:04:19 that prove that james comey had five
@00:04:32 tweeted this today james comey had five


@00:00:17 call it from twitter and twitter i'm not
@00:00:26 gonna get too much into twitter i did a
@00:00:31 real matt couch on twitter and you can
@00:00:45 about my twitter suspension and talk
@00:00:53 before my account was shut down twitter
@00:01:23 ability to contact twitter support
@00:01:38 thing that shocked me about my twitter
@00:02:03 twitter has allowed to flourish and some
@00:13:12 instagram page find my twitter account
@00:13:14 i'll tell you the twitter account i have
@00:16:28 have to say in terms of twitter jack
@00:17:07 keep getting suspended from twitter
@00:17:10 but this is what twitter allows we
@00:17:41 side twitter is on they are siding with
@00:17:50 accounts on twitter it's because it's a

Mass arrests

@00:12:01 am saying this because these mass
@00:12:05 arrests are coming very soon and god is
@00:13:47 out before these mass arrests go down


@00:01:59 also all the pedophile accounts that
@00:03:17 hillary clinton is a freaking pedophile
@00:05:51 pedophile
@00:06:30 emails they were filled with pedophile
@00:07:04 weiner's laptop boom abaddon's pedophile
@00:09:56 the woman is a pedophile she's involved
@00:10:19 truth is she's a pedophile who's


@00:14:57 they general flynn there's a very good


@00:05:40 they had all the proof the fbi knew and
@00:07:36 on this laptop there was proof that the