True Pundit Report on FBI Curruption

from prayingmedic



@00:07:13 andrew mccabe was demoted thomas paine
@00:08:54 james comey and andrew mccabe who is a


@00:08:28 mccain helped broker the classified deal
@00:09:14 with the help of senator john mccain
@00:10:04 senator john mccain was involved in
@00:10:16 everyone knows that mccain was the one


@00:05:18 with comey and hillary and the
@00:06:37 lynch and eric holder and james comey
@00:08:04 accusations are that muller and comey
@00:08:54 james comey and andrew mccabe who is a


@00:04:25 department address sessions had to do it


@00:03:54 on my twitter timeline it's pretty

Inspector General

@00:04:49 that there is an inspector general oh
@00:04:51 wait a minute there's an inspector
@00:04:53 general as a person who's actually you
@00:05:05 the inspector general report that it's
@00:05:13 this inspector general report he's like
@00:05:47 about the inspector general report but
@00:05:59 the inspector general looked into these
@00:06:09 action then we know that the inspector
@00:06:10 general is probably not trustworthy and
@00:06:13 then congress can go after the inspector
@00:06:16 general or you know whatever happens


@00:10:47 search warrants arrest warrants and fisa
@00:11:04 search warrants arrest warrants and fisa
@00:12:21 search warrants arrest warrants and fisa
@00:13:05 the more or they get the fisa court
@00:17:18 fisa court warrants and the 702 they
@00:17:51 they know something is up with the fisa