China And Russia Warn U.S. That Sanctions Would Trigger Unforeseeable Consequences -- Episode 313

from X22Report



@00:00:36 this episode is china and russia warned
@00:21:52 now and again china who is siding with
@00:22:00 whoa be careful here and china now is
@00:22:16 again china holds a lot of


@00:21:13 resembling those applied to iran should
@00:24:10 plus 1 deal with iran and obama today
@00:24:21 he extended the sanctions on iran for
@00:24:54 get into iran or do something else but

false flag

@00:32:45 going to attempt a false flag to get

North Korea

@00:16:03 actually not not north korean they were
@00:16:06 flying the flag of north korea but it's
@00:16:13 saudi government and north korea denied
@00:16:33 flagged in north korea a flag of

Saudi Arabia

@00:23:53 israel saudi arabia and other arab