deleted 2.1.20 - Weaponized Viral HIV Persistent Aids meet Sars meet YOU - This could be BAD

from Dustin Nemos



@00:01:49 anything in china but certainly this has
@00:02:29 are seeing that even in china where you
@00:02:46 in china before they even get to the
@00:03:01 bodies in china to prevent the metrics
@00:06:53 to war with china and we release it into
@00:07:55 a bio weapon released from china was it
@00:22:32 that bad but in mainland china look at
@00:22:37 then the green line is outside china
@00:22:43 far worse outside of china than it is in
@00:22:51 within mainland china except for like
@00:23:01 terrifying china is a densely populated
@00:23:09 china with a viral spread rate that's as


@00:00:18 wuhan coronavirus and the death toll the
@00:04:28 now allegations that the corona virus
@00:05:02 corona to the new corona which has a
@00:08:53 corona virus is considered sort of a non
@00:08:57 novel coronavirus or and that's why it's
@00:11:55 20:19 novel coronavirus stays with you
@00:17:48 coronavirus now for those who are

Deep state

@00:01:00 and detoxification against the deep
@00:01:03 state attacks on your health it's red
@00:03:43 has backed the deep state up into a
@00:06:19 the deep state and their agenda and
@00:10:44 themselves from the deep state nonstop
@00:10:48 deep state attacks and attempts to take
@00:19:31 and that fear porn is what the deep
@00:19:33 state wants and yes they do benefit from
@00:20:01 the deep state to downplay it so more
@00:23:42 the deep state being drained by


@00:18:47 on why then did twitter suddenly been
@00:20:26 about a lot of things on twitter if
@00:20:28 you're on twitter give him a follow and


@00:05:30 don't work you know the vaccines don't
@00:06:02 everybody they they sold some vaccines