Did The [CB]s Make Their Move To Save Their Economic System? - Episode 2050a

from X22Report



@00:01:48 to make a deal with china because if
@00:01:54 with china their system completely
@00:02:01 china this is how they designed it this
@00:02:25 deal with china very soon we know that
@00:02:31 to be a deal with china very worried
@00:02:35 about trump making a deal with china now
@00:02:47 because of the trade war with china
@00:03:19 trump putting pressure on china they
@00:03:24 into china china into europe to keep the
@00:03:31 created china to be a manufacturing
@00:04:03 have sent someone to china to try to
@00:08:24 the china and the us have been in touch
@00:12:42 in november met with xi jinping in china
@00:13:06 be a deal made with china we can't
@00:13:22 china to make his deal because this
@00:15:15 leverage over china


@00:07:46 soros american open society foundation
@00:07:56 he's looking into george soros his
@00:07:58 actions and we know that george soros he


@00:14:33 america well of mexico canada the us and