It Begins, The U.S. Positions Military Assets In The Mediterranean - Episode 377

from X22Report



@00:19:34 know that china is there pumping
@00:21:19 doing the same in china because they
@00:24:59 understand wherever china is that's
@00:25:31 a clearinghouse china is pumping in
@00:40:44 most likely syria china russia that


@00:31:23 into iran to completely set up the

William Barr

@00:39:27 the bar market crashes the student loan

false flag

@00:03:03 the false flag event with syria he was

North Korea

@00:20:18 korea temporarily until sol purchases a
@00:20:24 they're doing this because of north
@00:20:26 korea or they're doing this because of