US Government And Turkey Begin Carving Out The Exclusion Zone - Episode 1057b

from X22Report



@00:07:10 now china has begun construction of a
@00:07:53 units and the reason why china is
@00:08:12 china and russia in africa and we have
@00:10:19 poo putin russia china trying to calm
@00:18:51 to have syria and russia and china now


@00:05:15 many tests russia does many tests iran
@00:08:42 syria iran because without continually
@00:13:28 they want the economic deals with iran

North Korea

@00:04:25 or away from the people now out in north
@00:04:30 korea we understand the united states
@00:04:35 south korea they're trying to provoke
@00:04:39 the north we understand there's a drill
@00:05:07 of north korea with thousands upon
@00:05:09 thousands of troops and north korea is
@00:05:40 korea they have these massive drills to
@00:05:43 provoke north korea north korea decides
@00:05:47 then the u.s. condemns north korea again
@00:05:53 north korea is the wild card they're
@00:05:55 hoping that north korea does something
@00:05:59 states and south korea continually
@00:06:01 provoke north korea because they do
@00:06:04 believe that north korea eventually will