[11.12] Q Unloads: Indictments Coming [2019] - PROJECT LOOKING GLASS
uploaded on Nov 12, 2019
@00:03:41 john durham and some very coincidental
@00:04:06 durham prosecutor was initiated well
@00:04:17 what famous crime family did durham
@00:04:34 highlight that prosecutor john durham
@00:04:40 durham target also in this article it
@00:05:55 was john durham so q was hinting at john
@00:05:58 durham way back then
Looking Glass
@00:11:49 project looking glass is the name of a
@00:12:15 probably know about project looking
@00:12:17 glass but essentially what looking glass
@00:12:49 project looking glass and they were
@00:13:30 sort of project looking glass variant
@00:13:34 because project looking glass was done
@00:15:23 project looking glass funny enough a
@00:15:57 something the project looking glass the
@00:16:21 about queue and project looking glass
@00:16:28 when it comes to project looking glass
@00:16:38 to do with project looking glass and
@00:21:11 dropping project looking glass dropping
@00:21:31 viewing project looking glass type
@00:05:43 assigned by sessions with the same