Ginsberg Death, Bush Sr Funeral, and the POTUS Plan

from dnajlion7


Deep state

@00:01:41 deep state i know that's what you said
@00:01:43 but remember q understands that deep
@00:01:47 state people read q as well so sometimes
@00:02:08 it was not a distraction by the deep
@00:02:11 state it was exactly what president


@00:02:59 the islamic vatican satanic pedophile

Bush funeral

@00:01:29 with the bush-cheney funeral
@00:01:35 with him on this first of all the bush
@00:01:39 funeral was not a distraction by the
@00:01:54 trump had bush senior executed exactly
@00:02:00 at that funeral on december 5th he

Timothy Holmseth

@00:00:37 timothy holmes set of mine a video of