deleted Does Alex Jones Want Peace with QAnon?

from Dustin Nemos



@00:14:23 suggesting that either sessions or huber
@00:24:41 sessions is doing his job you don't have

William Barr

@00:14:31 turned out we wouldn't bar wouldn't need
@00:29:53 bar just cleared up that that he

Military tribunals

@00:26:22 or not there are military tribunals in
@00:27:51 to to cover some of these military
@00:27:53 tribunals as well by the way continuing
@00:28:39 justice in the form of military or legal
@00:28:42 court tribunals whatever we'll have to

Deep state

@00:24:30 about julian assange issues about deep
@00:24:32 state issues because there was part of
@00:28:05 being picked up and arrested deep state


@00:04:13 tweet twitter so they actually said


@00:27:18 bit recently toward gitmo because they
@00:27:31 that gitmo is abuzz gitmo is humming


@00:29:37 of the fisa information is led out to


@00:23:46 flynn i picked that five medium people


@00:14:23 suggesting that either sessions or huber
@00:14:35 huber had been doing anything over the
@00:24:43 to worry about whether huber is doing
@00:29:42 i let's look at mr. huber you talked
@00:29:47 about john huber a special prosecutor


@00:07:01 shared that changed or edited cue proof