deleted Qanon September 12, 2018 - We Will Never Forget

from prayingmedic



@00:08:56 mccabe regarding testimonies story never


@00:00:18 cue map pub as one of the sites i use it


@00:08:53 dc comey in communication with andrew
@00:09:08 against james comey baker was the chief
@00:09:25 stake and i'm guessing comey is probably
@00:09:55 rosenstein yates lynch and comey


@00:04:10 me about an account on twitter that they
@00:04:13 believe is q posting on twitter cute is
@00:04:16 not post on twitter q does not post on
@00:11:32 it's a link to a twitter status that's
@00:12:00 on twitter and i believe yesterday the
@00:12:06 this is his current banner on twitter

Inspector General

@00:05:48 inspector general q also posted a couple