[10.14] Vaccine & Climate Change Propaganda Push / Space News!

from Destroying the Illusion



@00:01:40 then we'll also discuss space space nasa
@00:19:14 saying that every nasa mission should be
@00:19:38 let's piece it together wow every nasa
@00:19:45 telescope nasa is finding more fast


@00:21:40 lot of trolls infesting onto twitter and
@00:22:30 about vaccines on twitter there's some
@00:23:03 censored you know twitter instagram


@00:01:22 talk vaccines especially we're gonna
@00:02:31 information on vaccines that's just the
@00:03:23 vaccines do not work as they tell us
@00:03:32 with vaccines especially because they
@00:04:08 into vaccines so i would highly suggest
@00:05:39 and still on the topic of vaccines but
@00:06:27 the truth out there about vaccines polio
@00:06:48 vaccines come out for them they actually
@00:06:55 the vaccines were even introduced the
@00:06:57 vaccines were then introduced in the
@00:07:59 people get vaccines they get these rare
@00:08:32 reject the poison reject the vaccines
@00:08:39 than vaccines and this is probably why i
@00:09:28 importance of vaccines ha ha ha no in
@00:09:37 rejecting the vaccines so of course
@00:09:42 vaccines are getting expanded and all
@00:17:50 vaccines whether it's with climate
@00:18:06 with okay so we covered vaccines we
@00:22:24 about ets and ufos but vaccines too
@00:22:30 about vaccines on twitter there's some

false flag

@00:22:07 demons oh it's a the new false flag oh
@00:22:15 sorts of bad info of just false logic