deleted 12.4-7.18 - More Q & Clinton Foundation under Scrutiny

from Dustin Nemos



@00:15:57 later on he says whittaker horowitz

Human trafficking

@00:26:50 they're there they're engaged in human
@00:26:52 trafficking but you know if they were


@00:26:52 trafficking but you know if they were


@00:15:44 so james comey and loretta lynch move


@00:03:51 you know we have indictments we have we
@00:04:54 that now sealed indictments that's i
@00:07:22 tonight there's so many sold indictments


@00:28:05 was huber activated by sessions who was

William Barr

@00:28:46 so one want to nominate william bar to
@00:28:50 be the next ag bar served as a tea
@00:29:00 doesn't know bar but bar commands

Deep state

@00:12:36 well played deep state please allow us


@00:00:21 some point on twitter or something like
@00:02:52 from twitter let's check these out one
@00:04:22 twitter
@00:10:39 okay so 25 50 we have another twitter
@00:10:53 barbara read game on twitter we just
@00:16:34 the blue checkmark fake news twitter
@00:21:02 on twitter that they have a blue
@00:28:33 twitter guy let's check out what he says
@00:29:05 roberts fox on twitter a blue checkmark

Bush funeral

@00:09:43 that ghw be old bush passes away and the
@00:09:48 state funeral date is on d5
@00:13:53 presidents and their spouses at the bush
@00:13:57 funeral and the comment from this


@00:30:14 intel military intelligence fisa the


@00:01:26 like that i got introduced to mike flynn
@00:02:44 flynn is safe we protect our patriots
@00:03:11 michael flynn in exchange for what
@00:06:40 civil environment for which flynn has
@00:10:49 and this is barbara flynn okay at
@00:11:09 bless general mike flynn hashtag family
@00:11:14 wall so this is yet another flynn family
@00:12:02 else all right so you know flynn has


@00:04:48 peek into what huber has been doing with
@00:07:08 oversee huber + o ig what case is huber
@00:07:44 investigation under huber he says who
@00:09:16 content and dates huber drops first last
@00:09:20 content and dates role of huber as
@00:09:27 mathematical probability that huber
@00:15:59 huber and rey long meetings held within
@00:28:05 was huber activated by sessions who was
@00:28:08 or is assigned to huber acting ag
@00:29:42 the hammer and he says huber test to
@00:29:47 he says huber to testify clinton
@00:29:49 foundation huber to reveal active probe


@00:20:36 these guys - laughs no proof of trump