Q Team Returns With 3 Words: "Mueller Blockade End"- Bad News For Dems!

from Truth and Art TV



@00:10:35 fbi director comey and michael flynn
@00:10:43 president's termination of comey nothing

William Barr

@00:10:12 william bar releases mueller report i'll
@00:11:24 believe what bar tells us about mueller
@00:12:12 out says calls attorney general bar to
@00:18:20 bill barr unnoticed deal jake and no
@00:18:43 barr enough for this already we get it
@00:21:23 time is over it's time to pay the bar

Deep state

@00:10:04 the deep state from moving forward


@00:19:07 report twitter drops far left southern
@00:19:16 know the head of splc even twitter is
@00:20:50 sarah carter twitter account latest


@00:10:35 fbi director comey and michael flynn
@00:11:10 and then conducts conduct towards flynn