"Known Beforehand?" Q Solves Rosenstein Drama of Past Weeks

from Truth and Art TV



@00:10:21 you says here could sessions publicly
@00:10:37 if sessions challenge rod rosenstein
@00:10:45 sessions must be aware of key mueller
@00:10:56 that is just sessions dared to come out
@00:11:18 that jeff sessions is playing is that
@00:12:27 sessions given his clear involvement in
@00:12:38 against jeff sessions and then they
@00:12:41 would get rid of jeff sessions and guess
@00:12:51 sessions
@00:12:56 think of just sessions think of the
@00:13:11 be ruined if jeff sessions came out and
@00:13:32 sounds like sessions is
@00:13:50 sessions recuse is the left
@00:13:53 attacking sessions and he it they are
@00:13:58 attacking sessions if anyone hasn't seen
@00:14:09 ago jeff sessions lasts and echoes lock
@00:14:24 ago they have been attacking sessions
@00:15:29 can see sessions is being attacked and
@00:15:39 the role the sessions is playing and how
@00:15:44 during this week here what sessions is
@00:16:10 sessions playing the neutral role and
@00:16:23 cannot accuse sessions of being partial
@00:17:36 allow sessions and rosenstein to run his
@00:24:18 decision by jeff sessions
@00:24:22 thank you jeff sessions and she's
@00:24:29 jeff sessions playing the neutral role
@00:24:41 trump and sessions and then the article
@00:25:04 he reports to jeff sessions q showing
@00:27:07 sessions this week and as you can see
@00:27:17 of jeff sessions given that they were
@00:27:26 sessions appears neutral paul ryan
@00:30:17 sessions were to act in a way that would

Deep state

@00:11:32 they are playing the deep state so let's
@00:19:56 check it out guys this is a classic deep
@00:20:01 state threat
@00:22:20 q with a direct message to the deep
@00:22:22 state calling out their idolatry and


@00:12:43 who huber reports - and that's the next
@00:12:53 when you think of john huber and you
@00:13:27 huber clc which i think means carbon
@00:24:53 john huber to investigate lawmakers
@00:25:01 you again that john huber reports to him


@00:28:50 future-proof pat's cue tells us tonight